Therefore, in the design of apartments for the elderly, we should grasp several scales:
First, the passageway part - the passageway width of the connection
between each functional space is generally maintained at 1.8M net width,
so that it can be passed by walking or wheelchair.
泥杆 保定空压机 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊设备 托辊生产线安全抓杆两根相对地面标高300mm和850mm左右,两根相互垂直设置,或平行设置。
Secondly, using the "safety grab" in the functional space, the elderly
will have a sense of weakness in action, which is reflected in the
difficulty of standing up and squatting. Generally, two safety grabs
parallel to the ground elevation of about 300 mm and 850 mm are set in
places where they need to stand up, squat down, sit down and lie down.
The two grabs are set vertically or parallel to each other. Set up.
第三、楼梯设置,建筑设计专项规范《老年人建筑设计规范》-JGJ 122-99,《老年人居住建筑设计标准》-GB/T
Thirdly, staircase setting, building design specifications "Code of
Architectural Design for the Elderly" - JGJ 122-99, "Standard of
Residential Architectural Design for the Elderly" - GB/T 50340-2003,
which stipulates that the width of staircase steps should not be less
than 0.30m, the height of staircase steps should not be greater than
0.15m, and should not be less than 0.13m. This is also a typical
humanized design, and there are corresponding restrictions on the number
of floors in the building, such as the number of floors must not be
higher than three floors, the need to set up elevators above three
floors, and so o