1. 年龄对平衡能力的影响
The effect of 1. age on balance ability
Age is a significant factor in the risk of fall in the patient, and
the function of the organs of the elderly is gradually diminished,
dull, slow, and poor in response to age. The correlation between balance
ability and age is a complex curve.
2. 体型对平衡能力的影响
The effect of 2. body shape on balance ability
有研究结果证实体重与姿势稳定性之间存在很强的关联性。Mitchell 等调查了澳大利亚新南威尔士州大于65 岁的 5681
例老年人的身体质量指数(body mass
Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between body
weight and postural stability. Mitchell and others investigated the body
mass index (body mass index, BMI) and the fall over the past year in
5681 elderly people older than 65 in New South Wales, Australia, and
found that obese (BMI > 30) older individuals increased the risk of
falling down by 31% than the healthy body weight (18.5 < 18.5 <
24.9 < 24.9). At present, there are two main hypotheses about the
influence of weight on balance. One is that the continuous compression
of large body weight makes the plantar mechanoreceptor super activated
and leads to the decrease of plantar sensitivity; the two is that the
larger body weight itself and the proportion of body mass need a larger
axis of rotation, resulting in greater heavy torque. In order to keep
the body upright, there must be enough muscle torque to counteract the
heavy torque, resulting in a decrease in postural stability.