





以人为核心的原则 The principle of people-centered principle 适宜老年人居住的养老院,要以老年人的角度来思考,包括他们整个日常起居、行为活动的习惯。老年时期人们的机体水平都处于下降的阶段,针对他们独特的行为方式与习惯都需要作为一个标准贯穿于整个设计过程之中。 Elderly care homes for the elderly should be considered in terms of the elderly, including their daily routines and behaviors. Old age are in decline stage, the people's standard of the body for their unique way of behavior and habits need to be as a standard throughout the design process. 安全性原则 Safety principles 这是所有原则中最重要的部分。安全是每一位老人都非常关心的问题。所以在设计的方方面面之中都需要考虑这个问题。比如预留出合适的老年人的活动空间、在合适的位置安置扶手等。 This is the most important of all the principles. Safety is a concern for every elderly person. So you have to think about that in every aspect of design. For example, there is room for the suitable elderly to be set aside and the handrail in place. 舒适性原则 Principle of comfort 让整个空间连续而熟悉,减少老年人的陌生感,以提升整个设计空间的感受。合理运用好光线强度。老年人的眼睛对光线不再那么的敏感,所以需要更好、更充足的光源来进行阅读,这就跟平常为青年人设计会略有不同。 Make the whole space continuously and familiar, reduce the familial sense of the old, in order to ascend the feeling of whole design space. Use the intensity of light properly. Old people's eyes are less sensitive to the light, so you need to read better and more adequate light source, it is designed for the young people will be slightly different with usual. 无障碍设计原则 The principle of unobstruction-free design 房间内要尽量平缓、没有突兀的台阶设计。这样老人会比较容易缓步慢行,并且不会被台阶或者凸起的部分绊倒。同时,在养老院地板材料的选择上,目前很多养老机构都会选择塑胶地板。这种地板质地较软,并且防滑,老年人在上面行走也非常舒适,跌倒也不会造成很大的伤害。 The room should be gentle, not abrupt step design. This way the old man will tend to slow down and not be tripped up by steps or bumps. At the same time, in the choice of the floor material of the nursing home, many old-age institutions now choose plastic floor. The floor is soft and slippery, and the elderly are comfortable walking on it, and it doesn't hurt to fall. 养老设计:内心与色彩 Pension design: inner and color 伴随着国家的进步,对于养老环境的关注也越来越高。针对养老院、老年公寓的设计已经比较完善。包括卫生间应该前后左右最少空出多少空间给老人活动,洗漱台应该距离地面多高才让老人能够最舒适的弯腰洗手、洗脸等。这些基本都是从人类工效学的角度来考虑怎样才能让人们在居住起来更加便利、更加没有障碍。 Along with the country's progress, the attention to the retirement environment is getting higher and higher. The design of the nursing home and the elderly apartment has been improved. Including toilet should at least how much empty space around to the elderly, wash gargle should how high from the ground to let the old man to the most comfortable bend to wash your hands, wash your face, and so on. These are basically human ergonomic perspectives on how to make people more accessible and accessible


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
