





以下为小编为大家准备的河北省养老产业补贴政策,有符合条件想要获取丰厚补贴的,中国智慧养老产业联盟熟悉整套申报流程,可以帮助企业进行申报。 The following is a small make up the pension industry in hebei province of subsidies for everybody, are eligible to obtain generous subsidies, familiar with the process of declaration of a complete set of Chinese wisdom pension industry alliance, can help enterprises to declare. 河北养老院政策文件: Hebei nursing home policy document: 1、对利用自有资金设置装备部署养老办事机构,按每张床位不低于1500元的尺度赐与一次性设置装备部署奖补,对一连运营一年以上的养老办事机构,按现实入住河北籍老年人的数目,赐与每月每张床位不低于50元的运营补贴。 1, to use its own funds to set equipment deployment endowment agencies, according to not less than 1500 RMB each bed favor one-time setup equipment deployment of the scale of the award, for the endowment agencies operating more than one year in a row, according to the reality in HeBeiJi, the number of elderly people favor each bed is not lower than 50 yuan per month operating subsidies. 2、新建养老机构设置装备部署补贴到达每张床位1500元以上,运营补贴到达每年600元以上。 The new old-age facilities will be equipped with a subsidy of more than 1500 yuan per bed, and the operating subsidy will reach more than 600 yuan per year. 申请补贴要求:养老机构已投入运营办事,床位数(按修建面积每42平方米为一张床位的尺度盘算)到达50张(含)以上,运营满一年且年检及格的。 Apply for subsidy requirements: endowment agencies have been put into operation, beds (per 42 square meters building area for a calculation of the scale of the beds) to reach 50 (including) above, operating over a year and annual inspection in the exam. 秦皇岛养老院政策: Qinhuangdao nursing home policy: 1、在资金补贴方面,经有关部分验收及格的社会办养老办事机构用房自建,提供社会老年人养老的床位数到达50张以上,且老人居室利用面积切合划定尺度,颠末一年运营后入住率到达60%以上的,市内三区及开辟区赐与每张床位不低于1200元的创办补贴,各县补贴不低于1000元。    1, in terms of subsidies, by the relevant part of the acceptance to pass the social pension agencies housing self-built, provide social old-age beds to reach more than 50, and the elderly bedroom use area delimit scale, course occupancy rate reached more than 60% after one year of operation, three areas in the city and open area shall not less than 1200 RMB each bed founded subsidies, subsidies counties not less than 1000 yuan. 2、租用衡宇5年以上举行改扩建的社会办养老办事机构,市内三区及开辟区赐与每张床位不低于150元,各县补贴每张床位不低于100元。补贴资金按民政部分审定的床位数分3年赐与拨付。    2, renting houses more than 5 years reconstruction of social pension agencies, urban areas and open area shall not less than 150 yuan, each bed counties subsidies beds are not less than 100 yuan each. The subsidy funds shall be given and disbursed in three years according to the number of beds approved by the civil administration. 3、营运补贴:凭据一连入住6个月以上的本市户籍老人的现实占用床位数,市内三区及开辟区补贴每月每床不低于20元,各县补贴不低于15元。补贴资金按民政部分审定的床位数,在每年的6月和12月两次赐与拨。 3, operating subsidies: credentials occupancy for more than six months in a row of the city's household register the reality of the old man takes up beds, three areas in the city and allowance per month per bed open area not less than 20 yuan, each county subsidies are not less than 15 yuan. The subsidy funds shall be given and allocated in June and December of each year, according to the number of beds approved by the civil administration.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
