





美国有一句很好玩的谚语:对你的孩子好一些,他们将决定你去哪家养老院(Be nice to your kids. They will choose your nursing home)。很多的美国人都喜欢拿这句话来调侃,也常出现在年轻人的体恤和送给父母的礼品和装饰上,而华裔听起来却不免有些心酸,因为这句话道出了在美国养老的现实,靠孩子是不可能的,这和中国的传统文化满拧。
There's a very funny saying in America: Be nice to your kids, and They'll decide which nursing home you'll go to. Many americans like to take this sentence to ridicule, also often appear in the young man's shirt and send to parents gifts and decorations, and the Chinese sounds is unavoidable some sad, because this sentence says the endowment of reality in the United States, by children is impossible, this ManNing and Chinese traditional culture.


美国人从小就比较独立,到了十八岁便搬出去自立门户,上学、选职业、成家等许多大事都是自己做主,退休后也是独立居住,极少和子女住在一起。如果老年人(包括少数中青年人)由于疾病或事故等原因丧失了独立生活能力的话,除非病人和家属有特别的选择能力(譬如请家庭全时特护、孩子自愿承担看护等),多数时候只好进养老院(nursing home)。
At 18, americans more independent at an early age and moved out to housekeep, school, choose career, family and many other things are all his family, and independent living after retirement, rarely and children live together. If the elderly (including a few young people) due to reasons such as illness or accident lost the ability to live independently, unless the choice of patients and families have a special ability (such as home full-time, child care, please voluntarily take care, etc.), so most of the time in a nursing home (nursing home).


Nursing homes in the United States is dedicated to those who need to 24 hours due to physical restrictions care or help people set up, there is usually a professional nurse or a nurse assistant all-weather duty, member is in a physical or mental disability old man (minority) in young people, especially those in the recovery period after the accident or disease patients in need of physical, occupational, or rehabilitation therapy, there are also some elderly special care of the old man with special needs, such as alzheimer's disease patients, etc.

The nursing profession demands from low to high order, the American nursing home is divided into three main categories.

1、中等程度的护理机构(Intermediate care facility,简称ICF)
1. Intermediate care facility (ICF)

收入这种养老院的人多是没有完全丧失自理能力、年老、但不是真正病重的人,他们不需要像医院或专业护理院那么高的护理程度,这些人要么自费,要么由保险公司(如long term care insurance,长期护理保险)或第三方(如hospice,死前关怀公司)付费。
Income that many nursing homes is not completely lose self-care ability, old age, but not really sick people, they do not need like a hospital or a professional degree of nursing care is so high, these people either at his own expense, either by insurance company (such as long term care insurance, long-term care insurance) or a third party (such as hospice, before dying care companies) to pay.

2、协助生活机构(Assisted living facility,简称ALF)
2. Assisted living facility (ALF)

The elderly is mainly aimed at people who have disabilities, they will be under the guidance and help do some exercise every day or daily activities, although these people can't live independently, but also do not need 24-hour medical care, the aim of this assistance agency is under the premise that guarantee survival dignity of assisted living, by the states to set their own standards and regulations. Depending on each case, assisted living nursing homes are either individually or jointly paid for by themselves, long-term care insurance, or Medicare.

3、专业护理机构(Skilled nursing facility,简称SNF)
3. Professional nursing facility (SNF)

Professional nursing organization is by Medicare (Medicare) and federal Medicaid (Medicaid) project funded care facilities, every year, most of the spending of the two federal program to support the elderly and disabled care costs. Medicare is mainly targeted at elderly people over 65 who have paid social security and medicare before they retire; Medicaid, for example, is below the poverty line. The nursing home has to be certified by federal and state governments, while strictly complying with federal and state laws and regulations, and is subject to periodic inspections.

In addition to the nursing home of the United States is the hospital can get the most professional care institutions, in addition to providing medical care, they also assist the old man to take a bath, change clothes, eat, defecation, such as daily life needs, and provide social and recreational activities. According to statistics, there are 16,500 nursing homes in the United States, nearly 1.8 million beds, and 3.5 million people live in nursing homes.


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Let me show you a few things about nursing home care at a professional level.

Outside the nursing home. Although states have different provisions for nursing home buildings, the nursing home is mostly a floor or at least low-rise buildings, which are designed to evacuate quickly under emergency conditions (fire, earthquake, etc.).


The gardens around the nursing home are generally well maintained, and there are no terraced passages to facilitate the free movement of wheelchairs. The nursing home typically employs a gardener to take care of the garden, and in the spring and summer I often take my ya-ya to volunteer to help out in the garden of the nursing home.



There was a piano in the hall, and the old man would play a few times when he was in love, and some of the volunteers came to play for the old people on weekends or holidays.



Along the two sides of the aisle, there are large and strong arms, so that the elderly can stand up and stand up, and there is no stairway in the stairway, which is convenient for wheelchair access. The floors are equipped with wheelchair elevators.



Many nursing homes have at least one well-trained, licensed "treatment dog". Nursing homes in the United States is the earliest will be used in clinical treatment of the dog, because the average American especially fond of dogs, and dogs happy brought the old man is without reservation, the comfort is sometimes more than once in a while to come to visit relatives and medical workers.



There is a central nursing station in the nursing home, where the medical records are stored. Every old man has his own doctor, and doctors usually visit the old man every month without special circumstances. Nursing homes have a nurse or a nurse assistant on duty 24 hours, if any problem, the nurse can always contact a doctor, an emergency ambulance can generally within a few minutes the old man sent to the nearby hospital emergency room.



Where the old man has eaten, the distance between the tables is large enough to ensure that the elderly who need to sit in a wheelchair can have plenty of room to move in and out.




Three meals a day, nutrition balance, but many old people have no appetite.


Indoor activity room, you can watch TV, play chess, chat, do manual, etc., although many old people have some degree of DaiSha, but social activities is the instinct of a man needs, for the old man is very good, especially for slowing the progression of dementia symptoms.



Grocery stories



The church, a weekly local priest, would come to the recitation on time and welcome the old man to come and pray at any time.



Physical therapy room. Under the guidance of a professional physiotherapist, many patients with a stroke or fracture may recover some or all of their daily functions.



The two old men have a bedroom with a curtain that can pull it apart. Inside the storage cabinet and TV, in order to be afraid old people fall off from the bed to fall bad, the nursing home generally provides the low bed, to those who can not get out of the bed to have the table of table of meal.



The old man sat in such a chair and bathed with the help of the paramedics

The nursing home gives them dignity in their old age.

Small make up word: in China, how to let the parents have dignity endowment has always been a grand social issues, the aging of China, the young and middle-aged carrying greater responsibility to maintain more single children facing the four old man endowment problem. After reading this article, I can also deeply feel the environmental difference of the elderly living in China. We are going to get old, or we will make money, we will get old, we can live in a nursing home in America...


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
