





本系列文章根据“美心优护养老实务培训—实训班”专家现场授课内容及资料整理而成。经专家授权,予以发表,更多精彩内容请关注美心优护养老实务系列课程。 This series of articles is based on the content and data of the "training of the training of the nurses' training in the us". With the authorization of experts, we will publish more highlights of this series. 老人因为衰老导致肌肉、骨骼、神经等的功能退化,使他们的感觉变得迟钝,反应变慢,视力变得模糊,身体的协调功能变差,平衡能力下降,容易跌倒。跌倒可能导致骨折,更甚者出现脑血管破裂出血,导致一系列严重的问题,甚至死亡,因此要特别加以注意。 Because the old man aging cause muscle, bone, nerve, such as the function of the degradation, makes them feel dull, slow reaction, blurred vision, body coordination function, loss of balance, easy to fall. Falling falls can lead to fractures, and even the bleeding of the brain's blood vessels, causing a series of serious problems and even death, so pay special attention. 跌倒的定义和现状 The definition and status of falls 跌倒的定义 The definition of fall 跌倒是指直立时或平地行走时摔倒或从稍高处摔倒在地的现象,并不包括意识丧失或癫痫等造成的摔倒。比如,老人突然意识丧失、头晕或脑供血不足引起的摔倒不叫跌倒。老人癫痫发作,抽搐然后摔倒,是疾病引起的反应,也不属于跌倒。 A fall is a phenomenon of falling or falling from the ground while walking upright or falling from the ground, not including the fall of consciousness or epilepsy. For example, an old man's sudden loss of consciousness, dizziness, or a lack of blood in his brain caused a fall. The old man's seizures, convulsions and falls, were caused by the disease and did not fall. 老年人跌倒现状 The elderly are falling down 我们曾做过一项老人跌倒发生率的调研,样本是北京市10个城区医院、养老机构、社区的2895名老年人。结果如下,老人跌倒发生率为31.26%,非常高。我们也可以参考国外文献报道的数据对比一下,30%和50%的比例也非常高。另外跌倒调研得出的基础数据可作为保险公司养老机构责任险的赔付依据。 We have done an investigation into the incidence of falling elderly people, with 2,895 elderly people in 10 urban areas of Beijing, elderly care institutions and communities. As a result, the incidence rate of the elderly was 31.26 percent, very high. We can also refer to the foreign literature report for comparison, 30 percent and 50 percent is also very high. The basic data obtained by the survey results can be paid for by the insurance company's pension fund. 跌倒的危险因素 Risk factors for falls 老人跌倒的主要危险因素可分为内在因素和外在因素。 The main risk factors of the old man's fall can be divided into internal factors and external factors. 内在因素 Internal factors 内在因素分为三大类,包含生理因素、病理因素和药物因素。 The internal factors are classified into three categories, including physiological factors, pathologic factors and drug factors. 生理因素主要是老人衰老导致肌肉、骨骼、神经等的功能退化,视力模糊,判断力变差,反应迟钝,容易跌倒。 The physiological factors are the aging of the elderly, which causes the functions of the muscles, bones, nerves, etc., to be blurred, to be poor, to be slow, and to fall easily. 病理因素主要是老人如果患有疾病,比如中风、偏瘫、帕金森综合症等,协调能力和平衡能力差,活动不方便,很容易跌倒。跌倒后很容易导致脑出血或其他疾病,但大部分情况其实是因为患有这种病才造成的跌倒,实际照护中要注意分辨。 Pathological factors are mainly the old man with a disease, such as stroke, hemiplegia, such as Parkinson's disease, coordination and balance ability is poor, activity is not convenient, it is easy to fall. Could easily lead to cerebral hemorrhage after the fall or other diseases, but mostly because of suffering from the disease was caused by the fall, should pay attention to in practical care. 药物因素主要是老人如果使用镇静剂、安眠药、降血压血糖药等,会有一些副作用,导致头痛、头晕、低血压、低血糖等,以致跌倒。比如安眠药安定,它的半衰期很长,老人晚上服用安定后到第二天早晨还不能完全代谢。如果老人两三点睡不着服用了,早晨7点左右起床吃饭,睡不好加上药物作用极易头晕造成跌倒。所以,针对安定的使用我们要对老人进行培训。还有治疗糖尿病的拜糖平,使用后半小时之内需进餐,如果养老机构的餐食因某些原因不能按时送达,那用药的时间也要调整。 Drug factors mainly old man if the use of sedatives and sleeping pills, lower blood pressure, blood sugar medicine and so on, there will be some side effects, cause headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, etc., so as to fall. The sleeping pills, for instance, have a long half-life, and the old man can't fully metabolize the rest of the night until the next morning. If the old man is not able to sleep at two or three, he gets up at about 7 a.m. to eat, sleep poorly, and the drug makes it easy to fall. So, we need to train the elderly for the use of stability. And treat diabetes sugar level, using the domestic demand of half an hour after dinner, if pension agency meals for some reason cannot be delivered on time, the medication time to adjust.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
