





根据保定市统计局发布的 《保定市2014年人口调查报告》数据反映,保定市老年(65岁及以上)人口为101.09万人,占常住人口的比重9.82%,比2013年增加0.96个百分点,高于联合国老龄化社会标准(7%)2.82个百分点。步入老龄化社会,老年人口比重不断上升,是近年来我市人口年龄结构变动的主要特征,考虑老年人生活习惯和心理籍慰的需要,社区养老已成为一种重要养老方式。
According to baoding city bureau of statistics released by the baoding city 2014 population survey data, baoding old age (65 and older) population of 1.0109 million people, accounting for 9.82% the proportion of the population of permanent residents, 0.96% more than in 2013, higher than that of the United Nations an aging society, 7% (7%). Stepped into an aging society, the proportion of older people is rising, is our city in recent years the main characteristics of the population age structure changes, consider the old habits and psychological comfort needs, community endowment has become an important way of pension.

  近期,国家统计局保定调查队就我市社区养老问题随机抽取市区内6个社区的老年人进行了专题调研: 只有48%的老年人对所在社区为老年人提供的养老服务感到满意,40%的老年人认为提供服务的工作人员服务专业。老年人对我市社区养老满意度不高显示出我市社区养老事业发展缓慢,基础薄弱。
Recently, the national bureau of statistics baoding survey team of our city community endowment problem randomly in downtown 6 community of the elderly carried out special investigation: only 48% of the elderly for the elderly to community endowment service satisfaction, 40% of the elderly think provides professional service staff service. The low level of elderly care in our city shows the slow development and weak foundation.


"The only child pension" trend is obvious, overburden


More than 30 years after the implementation of the one-child policy, the family structure of "4 + 2 + 1" has become the norm, and the majority of the pension burden will be borne by the only child. According to the survey, 80 percent of the elderly live on their own, while 45 percent of elderly people depend on their partners for care, and only 16 percent can be taken care of by their children or other family members. "The only child" is the only child who has a heavy burden on the elderly family members. On the other hand, the elderly can get very limited access from their children, whether it is economic origin, life care, especially parent-child communication and spiritual comfort. Traditional family pension is becoming less and less, the family pension resources are becoming less and less, relying on traditional family pension mode, it is not realistic, community pension is a kind of inevitable choice and will become the trend.


More than half of the elderly are not satisfied with their current community pension and are most concerned about their health


Of the six communities surveyed, 66.67 per cent of the six communities provide elderly care services, accounting for 83.33 per cent of the elderly, low-income and other special aged groups.

According to the survey, only 48 percent of elderly people are satisfied with the old-age service provided by their community and 40 percent of the elderly believe that the service provider is professional. The low level of elderly care in our city shows the slow development and weak foundation.

Pension problems, 96% of the elderly think normally live in urgent need of medical care, physical exercise and emergency rescue three pension services, 60% of the elderly people hope that occupy the home endowment service personnel "health guide" the skill, 48% of the elderly community hope can increase and maintain fitness equipment in a timely manner.

Can at the same time, the survey found by taking care of old people accounted for only 16% of children or their families, whether it is economic source, life care, especially the parent-child communication, spiritual comfort, the elderly can be from a group of children are very limited. Traditional family endowment function is weakened, community endowment becomes trend.


Too many factors and lack of specialization are the main problems of community care


At present, the community pension service in our city is still in the primary stage, and the problems and shortcomings of the community have restricted the development of community pension service.


(1) the community is highly motivated, but it is restricted by places, funds and personnel

Found in the process of investigation, the investigation of six communities within their ability to carry out the pension services, such as conducting health seminars, cultural activities, etc., but all said for community old-age services ability is far less than the old demand, it is difficult to carry out community only on its own higher level and wider pension services.


(2) lack of professional service teams, the mental needs of the elderly are not satisfied

Only two of the six communities have a loose community of community care volunteers, and only 25 percent of the volunteers are aged between 40 and 50. It is difficult to organize a service team with professional medical, nursing, health and other knowledge due to the difficulties of low income, poor environment and high risks. In addition, 48 percent of elderly people in the survey felt in urgent need of recreational activities and psychological care, and 28 percent wanted community care providers to have psychological skills.


To improve the community pension service in our city


(1) increase the investment and policy implementation of community pension services

The government's response to community endowment service increase financial input and policy tilt, such as establishing pension service subsidy system, for low-income age, the elderly live alone and disability pension difficulties, taking the form of government subsidies. Meanwhile, we will continue to formulate and improve relevant policies and make more detailed and feasible implementation plans. We will step up efforts to regulate the implementation of policies so that the "old" policy can actually be implemented.


(2) encouraging social resources to enter

We will encourage community pension services to bring in social resources, and establish a comprehensive home care service for the elderly in the community.


(3) establish a community pension service team that combines professional staff with volunteers

We will encourage the professional and professional staff to combine professional skills and professional ethics training. The volunteers should be registered and organized in a unified way to give full play to the good and service enthusiasm of the community pension service volunteers.


(4) change the traditional old-age pension concept and create an old and old social atmosphere

Advocate the old man accept community endowment new ideas, the community staff for this community elderly people to register the details, understand the different needs of the elderly, attract more volunteers, volunteer participation in community endowment.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
