





消防演练走进敬老院 为老人筑起“防火墙”
7月6日,2016年蕉城区福利机构消防演练在虎贝镇敬敬院开展,全区各个乡镇相关负责人及各乡镇敬老院代表40人观摩了演练。 On July 6, 2016 Manila city welfare institutions fire drill in tiger bay town to worship, the relevant person in charge of all the villages and towns and villages and nursing homes represent 40 people to inspect the drills. 消防演练现场 Fire drill site 消防安全疏散演练结束后,又进行了消防知识和医护应急知识培训,消防员向大家详细讲解了灭火器的使用原理和注意事项,演练了灭火器使用方法。护工谢玉华抱着沉甸甸的灭火器快速跑向火盆,“呲”的一声,浓密的白色粉末瞬间将整个火盆覆盖。“虽然是演练,但想到平日里照顾的老人们,心里一下子就紧张起来了。”谢玉华说。 After the fire safety evacuation drill, and the fire knowledge of medical emergency knowledge training, firefighters in detail the use of fire extinguishers to everybody principle and the matters needing attention, exercises the fire extinguisher use method. The nurse xie yuhua carried the heavy fire extinguisher quickly to the fire pot, "bared", the thick white powder instantly covered the whole basin. "Although it was a rehearsal, the thought of the old people who cared for the day soon became tense." Yu-hua xie said. 观看消防演练的敬老院老人 Watch the old man in the fire drill 消防人员在为大家讲解消防安全知识 Fire fighters are talking about fire safety knowledge 当天,消防员对各乡镇(街道)民政办负责人、敬老院管理人员和老人们就火警报警、火灾预防、火场自救、灭火器的使用等消防常识进行了详细的讲解,老人们掌握了灭火器摇、拔、握、瞄、压、扫等使用步骤和覆盖窒息灭火使用方法,不仅学到了消防安全知识,还提高了安全自救技能和自我保护能力。 To various villages and towns (street) on the same day, firefighters MinZhengBan director, senior management personnel and the old people would fire alarm, fire prevention and fire self-help in detail, such as the use of fire extinguishers fire common sense, the interpretation of the old people mastered the fire extinguisher shake, pull, hold, take aim, such as pressure, using the steps and cover smothering using method, not only learn knowledge on fire control safety, also improves the security self-help skills and ability of self protection.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


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