





随着老龄化时代的来临, With the coming of age, 养老成了一个巨大的社会问题, Retirement is a huge social problem, 同时也是每个家庭都不得不面对而又深感头疼的问题。 It's also a problem that every family has to face, and it's a big headache. 中国4+2+1的家庭模式, China's 4 + 2 + 1 family model, 更是让老人的晚年生活无比堪忧! Let the old man's old age be very worrying! 各界人士都在关注未来养老院的建设模式。 People from all walks of life are looking at the future of the nursing home. 传统的养老院,就像是一个被孤立而沉默的角落。 The traditional nursing home is like an isolated and silent corner. 这里的老人们和外面的世界隔绝,远离自己的亲人,在寂寞中度过晚年生活。 The old people here are isolated from the outside world, away from their loved ones, and spend their old days in solitude. 总是让人有一种晚景凄凉的感觉。 There is always a sense of desolation. 模式1 Pattern 1 荷兰的这家叫Humanitas home的养老院是这样设计的: This is how the Dutch home of Humanitas home was designed: 近些年来,荷兰的房价跟中国似的不停上涨,租金越来越贵,整个欧洲经济也不景气,好多大学生生存压力极其大,付不起高昂的房租。 In recent years, the Dutch prices with China's rising, the rent is more and more expensive, the whole European economic recession, a lot of college students' pressure is very big, can't afford to pay the high rent. 这家养老院决定把院里多余的房间,租给这些年轻人,并且完全免费。 The nursing home decided to rent out the extra rooms in the yard and rent them to the young people, and they were completely free. 但大家都懂得“天下没有免费的午餐”这个道理。大学生们需要付出的代价就是他们的时间,每个月不低于30个小时陪伴老人。 But everyone knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch. College students pay a price for their time, not less than 30 hours a month for the elderly. 相当于每天花一个小时陪老人散步、教他们用电脑、一起看电视,让他们用罐装颜料在纸板上喷涂,认识什么是涂鸦艺术……等等。 Spend one hour a day to accompany the old man walking, taught them to use the computer, watch TV together, let them use canned paint spraying on board, to know what is graffiti art... And so on.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
